Residents of West Devon can now sign up to or renew their subscription for the borough’s garden waste collection service.
t’s time to renew garden waste subscriptions in West Devon
Issued: 10 February 2025
Residents of West Devon can now sign up to or renew their subscription for the borough’s garden waste collection service.
A year-long subscription to West Devon Borough Council’s garden waste collection service will cost £65 for 2025/26. One subscription provides four generous reusable sacks, which are collected every fortnight on the same day of the week as your recycling collections, in the opposite week to your black bag refuse collections.
Subscribers can put grass cuttings, hedge trimmings, cut flowers and plants, small branches, weeds, leaves, twigs, and vase flowers in their bags for collection.
You can sign up for 2025/26 collections from now, with collections starting from 1 April 2025. The year’s subscription will run until 31 March 2026.
The price for the year-long subscription has risen from last year; this is to continue covering the cost of providing the service for residents.
Cllr Jeff Moody, West Devon Lead Member for Waste and Recycling, said: “Our garden waste collection service provides wonderful convenience for our residents.
It’s such a time saver knowing that your garden clippings will be collected directly from your home, sent off for composting straight from your front door. Local farmers benefit too, as the resulting compost is sent off to them to use.
“We feel that the £65 charge represents good value for money for such a reliable and convenient service - it’s still much cheaper than organising a private collection.”
If you’re already a subscriber to the garden waste service, there will be no changes to your service if you renew your subscription by 1 April, and you can continue to use your current garden waste sacks.
If you’re a new subscriber, the Council will deliver garden sacks straight to your door. After that, you will simply need to fill them and leave them along with your household recycling and waste on your next scheduled collection day from 1 April. If you’re subscribing for the first time, the Council aim to deliver their green sacks within ten working days of you signing up.
The annual cost of £65 applies for fortnightly collections running until 31 March each year, excluding the weeks in December when the service is suspended for Christmas. You can check the exact suspension dates on our website or our social media channels in early December.
For more information and to sign up, visit: